i start this blog for my daughter as a surprise for her WISH what she have .
This is my daughter Chimène and is 10 years old , going to be 11 on 26 july :
her BIG WISH is :
to get letters all over the world from people who will write her about theyre country and will send with they`re letter : some photo`s about theyre country or nature or animals , or a little souveniers out of your country , or some leaflets about your country/musuem/amusement parks etc.... , or city maps , or postcards , leaves or flowers we can dry , or bus tickets or other tickets and manny more , just things what have to do with your country (don`t have to send it all , just some things so she can see and feel it in her hands and learn about your country , would love it if you be so creative to make something , it can be a letteror in a little bookstyle , or go on .
What Chimene also love besides the story about your country , to tell also some History about your country , she`s crazy on historical story`s .
in this way she will learn more about your country then out of books on school , to hear it from people out of the country itselfs , she`s really studious about other country`s & history .
please also write a little bit about yourself in the letter so she know`s from who the letters is and it would be great if you write something in your own language , Chimène only can read dutch (we live in the Netherlands) , but i can read & write english , so if you are from france or spain or japan , etc.... write something in your own language with english translation with it , so i can explain it to Chimène , she would love it .
make something creative from the letter or make something else from it .
from all the letters she will get , we going to make a scrapbook about each country , so it`s doesn`t matter from wich country you live , i like for my daughter to get so manny as possible letters with lots of story`s about different country`s in the world and from the USA it would be great that we will get from each state .
from each letter with souveniers , etc.... we will make a picture and put it on this blog with someexplaining with it , so you can see what kind of letters Chimène will get out of the BIG WORLD .
so i hope you all can help me .
if you want to send my daughter a letter , please email me on this addy : roos.chimene@upcmail.nl with your name & wich country you live , so i will give you her address .
we don`t know what and how manny she will get , but we will send some souveniers or a nice postcard to random people who send Chimène a letter .
lets make this project big and make a child WISH come true .
thank you all .
greetings Chimène & Roos (mother)
4 countrys are participate already , really great
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI saw your post on The Essential Beachcomber and I think this is a wonderful project! I would love to send a letter and a souveiner too~Good Luck! Check out my blog too~www.lovelettersfromthesea.com