zondag 8 mei 2011

Letter 2

Chimène got another letter and it`s from :
Marsha out Wisconsin - USA

Marsha is 61 years old and lives in Wisconsin - USA and send a lot of intresthing stuff to read   :)
She`s also love to learn about other country`s and travelled to Denmark , England , Ireland , Romania , Italy , Greece & France .

Marsha tells about the city she lives in , about the peopleand thats there is a dutch ancestry , that`s really great to hear .
And she tells about the indians , farms , forest , beaches & lakes .
and also about football , well that`s really great , because the dad of Chimène play`s american football here , it`s sad that it isn`t a big sports here , so it was great to see the booklet about the Green Bay  :)

As you can see on the pictur , Marsha send a lot of brochure`s , even a map and some postcards , so Chimène can learn a lot about it .
thank you so much Marsha  :)

1 opmerking:

  1. I'm glad it arrived & you liked it. Wow, that's a great list of people, from all over the world that are planning on sending you things. You'll be learning lots about other countries. Marsha
